Hotel Sursilva is easy to find. We are right in the centre.

Google Maps knows our location. If it does not work, you can enter the following GPS coordinates in your navigation system:

47.211201, 10.144066 (47 ° 12’40.3 “N 10 ° 08’38.6” E)

It is also easy without technical aids: After the valley station of the Lech-Oberlech cable car turn right and drive about 50 metres to our hotel, which is on the right side.


Motorways and main roads in Austria are subject to tolls. Vignettes are available at border crossings and petrol stations.
Arriving by car in winter: Please note when planning your trip that the road between Lech and Warth is usually closed during the winter months! Many navigation devices do not show this winter closure!

Arriving by plane:

  • Zurich (CH), distance 200 km
  • Munich (D), distance 300 km
  • Innsbruck (A), distance 110 km
  • Altenrhein (CH), distance 100 km
  • Friedrichshafen (D), distance 120 km

There is a special shuttle service to the Arlberg from the international airports Zurich and Munich. Information & booking: Arlberg Express, Tel: +43 5583 2000. Internet:

Arriving by train:

The nearest train station is Langen am Arlberg. From there, there are regular bus and taxi connections to Lech. St. Anton am Arlberg also has good connections to Lech.

Taxi service:

Lech am Arlberg, Vorarlberg, Österreich

Lech, Vorarlberg, Österreich